About Carlabs Auto

MEET Carlabs Auto

Carlabs Auto has been a dream of mine for many years. I have devoted myself to learning about cars since I was a child. I started my post-graduate education in Business but quickly realized that my passions lay elsewhere: working on cars and exploring how they work was a far greater reward.After successfully completing my education in Automotive Tech at Kangan Batman Tafe Automotive Mechanical Tech in Melbourne, Australia, I apprenticed at Bui Automotive and gained over 800 hours of experience.

The next chapter in my life started when I moved to Canada with my wife. Here, I spent over 4 years at Mr Lube perfecting my techniques and expertise as an Automotive Specialist.

Fast forwarding to today brings forth another new chapter in life as I announce the start of Carlabs Auto. This is where I want to devote my skill and knowledge-towards the expert maintenance, service and repair of motor cars and trucks.

I look forward to addressing YOUR automotive service needs soon!

Got Questions?

Reach out to us with your questions, concerns or to make an appointment.